How to make a referral

Benefit, Debt and Financial Resilience referrals

Professionals can refer clients to Money Advice Plus for benefit and debt advice. We provide services that range from one-off sessions to casework, depending on how we are funded. You can make a referral if your client falls into one of the eligible groups we are currently funded to work with. For more details, see Getting Advice and Support.

If you fund our service and need the link to the online referral form for your organisation, please contact 01323 635999.

If you are a professional and your referral is for The Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse (casework service), please use the FSL Casework Referral Form.

Money Management referrals

Social Workers in Brighton & Hove can refer to our B&HCC-funded service: Money Management and Cash Handling Services for Adults with Care Needs. To refer a client, please complete our referral form, and make sure to upload a care plan at the end of the form.

Submitting the referral form does not mean we will automatically start working with the referred person. We will carry out a desk top assessment to ensure that the referral is appropriate before adding them to the waiting list. Due to the demands on the service, the wait is likely to be considerable. If you have an urgent referral, please contact our commissioner at BHCC, Jenny Knight.

View all the services we offer to professionals