The Moneyworks Adviceline is a telephone advice service run on behalf of the Moneyworks Partnership providing free and independent advice to residents of Brighton and Hove on a whole range of money issues including dealing with welfare benefits, debt and maximising income.

The best way to contact us is to use our online form to request a call back or email from one of our advisers.

Or you could call: 0800 988 7037 during our opening hours:

Monday – closed
Tuesday 2-5
Wednesday 10-1
Thursday 2-5
Friday 10-1 & 2-5

An adviser will give initial advice and may refer you to an appropriate project within the Moneyworks Partnership or signpost you to an external organisation.

If you are struggling to get through and just require Debt Advice you can call National Debt line Tel 0808 808 4000, Step change Tel 0800 138 1111 or Payplan Tel 0800 280 2816. These are national, free and impartial services


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