We never charge for advice. However, we are able to charge clients directly for elements of support work that would not otherwise be available because of funding constraints. If in the course of our work with an individual we identify another service that would help and make a recommendation or referral we would always make it clear if there will be a cost or a charge.
Currently our longer term money support services, including support with paying bills and access to cash are funded by Brighton & Hove City Council under our B&H Money Management Service. This funding is not available for people who have been assessed by the Council as needing to pay fully for their own care. These people can still access our support service by paying us directly. We call this service Money Guardians.
If you would like more information about this option, please call us on 01273 664000 and ask to speak to the referrals worker.
All clients who are considering a service from Money Guardians are offered a free assessment. When we meet with you we will identify any needs for advice work and refer you to projects who can help for free. We will also advise you on money management and if you are considering support with your money we will be very clear with you what the cost of a service from us will be. Until you have confirmed that you understand the costs and have signed an agreement, you will never be charged a penny.
Current charges (August 2022) are as follows:
eg: Mrs G is an elderly lady living in her own home who has been assessed as not being eligible for Brighton & Hove Council to pay for her care, because she has over £24,000 savings. Due to her physical illness she doesn’t go out except when she has help. She pays carers to do her shopping, and because she can’t easily get to the bank to get the money she needs to give the carers for her shopping, and to pay her hairdresser and window cleaner, Money Guardians deliver £150 cash to her every fortnight. She pays us £19.50 a week for this support.