Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedure
Money Advice Plus (MAP) believes that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind. Whilst we do not work directly with children, we work with adults who come into contact with children, some of whom have caring responsibility for children. We may make visits to homes where children live, or carers may bring their children to MAP’s offices. We recognise that the welfare of the child/young person is paramount, and that all children without exception have the right to protection from abuse, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, or sex.
It is MAP policy
- to follow Pan Sussex Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures available at
- to deal with concerns about a child/young person outside of this area on a case by case basis, using the Pan Sussex Procedures for guidance.
MAP will report concerns of abuse to the appropriate authority using agreed procedures, where possible.
Abuse includes neglect, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and physical abuse.
- MAP has a Child Protection Lead, listed in the Staff Handbook. This person has received training in safeguarding children which is updated when required.
- All staff, trustees and volunteers who come in to contact with clients and their children have been checked as appropriate to work with vulnerable adults and will have had an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check.
- Concerns: Any worker, volunteer or trustee in MAP may have concerns about the welfare, abuse, or possible abuse of a child.
Examples of when a concern is raised would be:- A client tells you they have abused a child
- A client speaks about the abuse of a child by someone else
- A client’s child is seen with unexplained bruising/injuries
- During discussions about money with a client, it becomes apparent that food is not bought for children
- During a home visit you become aware of housing conditions that impact adversely on children
- During a home visit you notice images of children that give you cause for concern
- A parent only speaks negatively about their child eg tells you they are evil
Actual evidence of abuse is not required for there to be a concern.
- Recording: All concerns and any actions taken will be recorded following the recording procedures contained in the risk assessment procedures.
Incidents must be case noted factually and objectively.
All referrals to social services must be kept on a central log. - If immediate action is required to keep a child safe, the worker should call for the appropriate help. This would be emergency services -an ambulance or police.
- Normally immediate action would not be required and the worker with concerns should speak at their earliest opportunity with the MAP Child Protection Lead, or if unavailable a Client Services Manager or Chief Executive.
- Normally any subsequent action would be agreed with the client concerned, and the child and parents will be notified of this policy & procedures as appropriate. Client’s details or confidential information about a child would not be passed to any other agency without consent from the client and/or the child’s parent or guardian, as appropriate. This is over-ridden if the child’s safety would be compromised by this.
- MAP Confidentiality and Disclosure procedure will be followed.
- Action taken could include:
- Calling social services for advice without passing on confidential information
- Referrals to other agencies : eg foodbank, school holiday meals club
- Speaking again with the client for more information
Whenever there is concern that a child has been abused or neglected a referral must be made without delay according to the procedures for each local authority area. For East and West Sussex and Brighton and Hove, these are in the Pan Sussex procedures. For other local authority areas, search for their website.
- Responsibilities:
- All workers are responsible for flagging up any concerns about the welfare or abuse of a child. They should do this by speaking to MAP Child Protection Lead, or if unavailable Client Services Manager or Chief Executive of MAP.
- The MAP Child Protection Lead is responsible for ensuring their own training in safeguarding children is up to date. This must be reviewed annually, at least.
- The MAP Child Protection Lead is responsible for speaking.
This Policy and procedure are included in the induction pack for all new staff and will be reviewed annually.