Brighton and Hove Money Management

Our money handling service is offered to our most vulnerable clients

This is in the form of cash delivery, bill paying and budget administration. We are Appointees for many of our money-handling clients meaning we have complete responsibility for their benefits claims. Uniquely, the Charity can be made Deputy in the Court of Protection for people who lack capacity and cannot manage their finances. Our support is flexible and person-centred – this means that each client has an individualised support plan designed to enhance their ability to make choices and remain in control of their money.

This service has many benefits for clients with different needs including:

  • Accessing income to pay for everyday essentials
  • Helping to control overspending
  • Ensuring essential bills are paid
  • Protection from economic abuse
  • Helping to manage substance misuse
  • Alleviation of anxiety about money and bills
To enquire about this service contact us at

What we offer

Money handling service: We manage funds for clients who may struggle to handle money independently. This includes paying bills, budget planning, and safe cash delivery.

Appointee and deputy services: We act as Appointees for benefits management or as Deputies appointed by the Court of Protection for clients who lack the capacity to manage their own finances. This gives us full responsibility for benefits claims and the financial security of our clients.

Individualised support plans: We work with each person to create a financial plan that empowers them, helps prevent overspending, and ensures their essential needs are met.

Our Money Handling work has...

Supported 424 people to receive a money-handling service

Handled £5,329,122 (£4,892,00) of client money

Made payments out to the value of £5,161,000 (£4,020,000)

Eliza* was referred to us by the NHS Mental Health Assertive Outreach Team in July 2022. Eliza has schizoaffective disorder, colitis & Crohns disease and is a polysubstance user. We met with Eliza along with the Assertive Outreach Team to discuss what support she needed. We established that Eliza was not receiving all the income she was entitled to, and was in face receiving less than 50% of her entitlement. As a result of this she was often going without food and essentials. Eliza was also on the verge of eviction due to arrears with their service charge.

We took on an Appointee-ship for Eliza with the Department for Work and Pensions and got all her benefits set up correctly. The result of this work has meant we have set up regular payments to ensure her essential household bills are paid. We transfer the remaining funds to Eliza throughout the week to ensure she has access to regular cash. Previous to our service being involved, Eliza would go for long period of time – up to four weeks – with no money. Today, Eliza is no longer at risk of eviction as her service charge arrears have been cleared and there are now regular payments being made.

View all the services we offer for professionals